About Us

About ErrandBoy

ErrandBoy was founded in 2017 by Charles Binks-Collier and Lauren Kerker. ErrandBoy is an online platform where individuals in the KW-area can post small jobs that they need completed. Students can browse through the offered jobs and choose which ones they would like to complete for money. This is a mutually beneficial relationship because the job posters get their job done and the students gain skills as well as financial payment.

Our Team

Picture of charles

Charles Binks-Collier

Founder and CTO

Charles is a second year BBA student at Wilfrid Laurier University. He has an entrepreneurial mindset and loves to explore the outdoors. Charles grew up in Toronto, ON in a family of 5. He learned many skills while helping out around the house, such as wood-working and yard work. After coming to Laurier, he discovered that people are willing to pay to have housework completed. Thus, the idea of ErrandBoy was born.

picture of lauren

Lauren Kerker

Founder and CMO

Lauren is a third year BBA student at Wilfrid Laurier University. She grew up in a small town on Lake Huron and started her own company in high school. She has a passion for creativity and has taken an interest in web design to further express this passion. After meeting with Charles, they discovered that their skills complemented each other well and decided to work together on this venture.